Monday, July 18, 2011

Ever since i watched Inception . . . .?

so once i finished watching the movie Inception i pledged that i'd do the best i can to do something similar in my dreams like create things or buildings and stuff and 2 nights ago i did it!! I reliezed it was a dream somehow and so i attempted to make things happen and it would work. if i would lift my arms up trees would grow or buildings would get bigger and i remember thinking "i want to ride a horse" and a horse would apear. everything would go my way, is it wrong that i was playing GOD? i dont want to offend Him in any way even in my dreams but it was amazing! has anybody ever had a simialar expierience?? Do you think its wrong i was acting like GOD in a way?

Where can I get sheet music for a Hymn?

Me and my Fiancee have chosen 2 hymns for our wedding and the vicar has told us today that the organist doesn't know one of the hymns =S the hymn is "We Pledge Our Selves To One Another" Where can I find the sheet music for the organist? We cant chose a different hymn because we have already printed the Orders of Service. Any help would be great!!!!

Is this a good movie idea?

In a unfortunate hazing accident a young college pledge is killed but 2 years later the fraternity brothers start getting killed while mysterious things are left at the murder scenes leaving some people to believe that some how the kid they killed has come back for revenge

Do drama school judges take bright red hair seriously?

Or does it not really matter?... I completed an acting course at college 2 years ago and I've been taking some time out for life experience and have been working hard making money to support myself since. I now think it's time to go back and continue my training at Drama school in London where I'm currently living. What I'm worried about is my hair, I've had bright red hair for a few years now, and although yes it's modern and don't think it would be a concern at drama school because lots of people have dyed hair nowadays but on the other hand would they take me seriously? Should I change my colour to a more neutral one to easily fit any character they want me to play. I'm applying for auditions in September this year - so I'm wondering if my red locks would be a problem. Should I go a dark brown? Or just keep my image as it is?

For the X Factor(USA) Seattle Auditions(June 29, 2-5pm), who was the last audition?

Music could very well. it cultivates a different mentality of people could describe the scene. a good show to read.

My girlfriend inside and outside doesn't feel like a female?

She's your typical 17 year old blonde girl. She looks like a girl. She doesn't look masculine or anything like that. But she cries on the phone with me all the time, telling me how she hates the way she is. I asked her why. The only thing she tells me is that she DOESN'T feel like a girl. She wish she wasn't born this way because she would do anything to have been born a male. She says that she thinks like a male does; sexually. She says that it depresses her when she goes shopping for new clothes. Because she wants to dress like a guy but she doesn't want to be judged by anyone or have people call her, or think of her as a "dike". She does like girls and boys but she prefers girls much more than boys. But she tells me she would never want to turn into a trans sexual. I'm not sure if this is a disorder she might have or if she's just thinking too much about her outer appearance, but I told her that I accept her who she is, even if that means she wants to dress like a guy, just to feel happy with herself on the outside; considering she can't change her feelings on the inside. She's felt this way her whole life. She told me there hasn't been a time where she fully felt like a girl. That there's always something that makes her feel like a guy. What do you think might be wrong with her?

In-custody time instead of work release?

I was recently fighting a case in one county and another case in a different county. Both cases I plead guilty. I was sentenced to 120 days work release in one county and 30 days work release in the other. This means I have to do work release 4 days out of the week because I have to do 2 days a week for each county and they can't be on the same days. That would only leave me 3 days to go to work. My employer wouldn't be happy with that type of inconvinient schedual...but that's not a problem anymore because they fired me for missing so much work already due to all my court hearings. Now I can't even afford to pay the fee to sign up for the work release. I'm over it. I would rather serve my sentences in jail now. And I don't really have much of achoice anyway I guess. So can someone tell me how to go about asking for the in-custody time instead of the work release? Do I talk to my probation officer or go put myself on calendar and ask the judge or what? Anyone that can let me know, ide appreciate it a lot. Thanks. (I live in california also..if that's important)

Should i tell his parents?

Me and my neighbors 17 year old son work on my drag car often and one day he was showin me pics of a brand new Mv engine and he mistakingly went by a pic of a naked girl (me being a man) I asked him who was that? And he replied back "my niece" and it just got awkward from their I just left it alone and he knew I thought it was really weird. After about a minute of silence he says "where really close" the girl was fully naked in the pic she couldn't have been any older than 14-16 I judge the age based on his only sisters age which she is 31. She I tell his mom?? I don't want to look like the perve here. This happen a few hours ago

Is there really the pledge to the flag before the school?

It's more like daily rutine, like prayer before a meal. Also some states it's required to stand and say it. Others you just have to stand as a sign of respect.

Don't you think its wrong to have same sex marriages in America?

so if im not mistaken it says in the bible it says a whole bunch of things like "Homosexual acts are an abomination to God" and this country was founded under god. so if were gonna let gay people get married then you might as well take under god out of the Pledge of Allegiance and remove In God We Trust on our currency. im not saying gay people don't have any rights but i don't think they should be allowed to get married in America

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

He's definitely interested. Become a good friend of his, and always smell nice (perfume!) and have good breath. Let him get to know you. If he doesn't ask you out in 2 to 3 weeks, just be straightforward and ask him out. Guys love girls that are assertive.

Is it weird I don't like ***?

I'm 14 male and whn ever I watch porn at the end end the girl sucks it or swallows it or even swishes it around her mouth and body I think it's gross is this normal

How can I make my girlfriends "first time" pleasurable?

Judging from what I've heard from my last question a lot of women said that there "first time" was pretty painful. And I wanted to know how I can make our "first time" very special and pleasurable for her?

What type of snake could this be?

the snake was light green/brown. all one color. I thought it might have been a garter snake but when i passed by it lifted its head and a black tongue was sticking out, also it quickly swished the tip of its tail back and forth to make almost like a rattlesnake sound, but i dont think it had the same special tail as a rattle snake.

Are my poems good???

Yes. The only thing I didnt really like was about the death but it's not the poem, I am just uncomfortable with those kind of words because I lost so many people in my life. - John 3:16 - please look up that verse in the Bible or go to a church- CBC

Do you think I'm an ungrateful prick for feeling this way? Can anyone help me?

You don't sound ungrateful at all. It sounds as though your parents aren't helping you with your self-esteem. They may not even realise they're upsetting you, but obviously they are. Maybe try seeing a counsellor to discuss your feelings. They might have some practical advice as to how to improve your relationship with your parents, who I'm sure love you & aren't trying to upset you on purpose. I'm sorry to hear about your problem :(

White in my throat and feeling like i am going to throw up? could it be caused by thrush?

I went to the doctor about 3 weeks ago and he told me i had thrush, he gave me this medicine that i had to swish around in my mouth, i took it for about 3 days and then stopped because it started making me feel stomach sick. Then, about two days ago my throat started feeling weird, like i felt like i was going to throw up in my throat, and it makes me want to urge when i swallow? I looked in my throat and i could see a bit of white on the wall of my throat. So is this caused by thrush? If i go to the doctor, what will they do for me?

Why is my Blueberry Tetra swimming sideways and upside down?

PLEASE HELP! My poor fish which is a Blueberry Tetra (don't know if that's the real kind) all of a sudden has started to swim sideways and upside down. It's like he can't swim straight. I looked at his fins and they look a little torn up, but other than those problems he is still breathing, but I can't tell if he's eating or not. I have him in a separate tank so he can lay down and not get swished around! Please help me figure out what's wrong! I want to help him. Thank you!

How to get something out of my retainer?

I have this retainer that is glued to my teeth and my braces so I can't get it out. I think it's a pallet expander but I'm not sure. How can I get something out of it? I tried reaching back with a toothpic and swishing with water k but it didn't do anything.

What cleaner stuff is good with leather chairs?

409, pledge..? I need to clean the leather chair cuz everyones back was on it and it has never been clean b4. Whats good on leather chairs?

Curfew first time violation?

Last week in Wharton County in Texas, I was with my friends playing tennis, after tennis which was around 11:15. my friends decided to take us to the store to buy me water. 10 minutes later a cop shows up and gives us a curfew violation citation. we have to go to court this coming month. How can I talk to the judge about the violation if this is the first time that it has happen to me? is there a way to reduce the fine? need help soon plz??

Christians: why so much energy spent on "defending marriage" when the Bible only grudgingly endorses it?

Oh, I'm supposed to be concerned about pleasing my husband? *recounts tonight's events* *chuckles*

What should i do about this problem? ?

Hi everyone, I've asked a couple of questions based on the same thing! Being that I am a 15 year old girl who's liked the same guy since I was 10 (we are the same age) and lately we have been sexting and he tells me how he's gonna ***** me hard and stuff. I kinda like this attention! But he's serious about the whole sex thing. I just don't know if I should have sex. I'm ready for it but I don't know if he's mature enough. And neither of us are looking for a relationship, so I guess that means no broken hearts. But I was just wondering, should I do it or not? I really want ton but at the same time I'm so worried I'm going to get pregnant even if he does use a condom. I'm not on a birth control pill and I'm not planning to be because I want kids when I get older! So what should I do? I really like this guy and I finally have him in my hands! I haven't had a boyfriend before or a first kiss but I don't mind because its something that can happen with him too. So any advice on what I should do would be great! Also some tips on how to prevent myself from getting pregnant would be great! Thanks everyone! Oh also, please don't judge me! I just need some advice from people who may know what I'm going through or have experienced something similar. Thanks!

How can i not care what people think and be happy?

i'm fat over weight and i find myself ugly... see i can sing in front of millions of people cause i love to sing and i love looking pretty but unlike singing if i put a tad bit of lipstick on and go school i'm thinking why did i do that?!?!?! i also freaked out when i got my hair dyed i'm depressing to people i hide my feelings cause i'm always sad i don't want to care what people think of me i wonna get over that and then maybe i can work on my weight more with out feeling scared of being judged how can i get over my fear or what ever you call it?

Is it constitutional for GOP to place oaths to Tea Party before their constitutional oath?

I don't know about constitutional or not but I will refuse to vote for any person who takes an oath that precludes the ability to make sane, decisions and prevents them from using their own judgment. All elected officials have to be able to compromise at some point or nothing will ever get done.

What can generation X and Y do to push back if the older generations raise our retirement age?

We got our troops coming home the last thing we need is a larger worker pool and lower wages that comes from a larger worker pool to choose from. I am pledging not to hire anyone over 50, the youth now controls most of the hiring process in the service sector which is all we have left. Yes age discrimination is not lawful but tell that to the people over 50 that ask the youth if they are married or what you like to do on Sundays in a interview. I am so done with the fading generations, you guys are the new N!%#@#.

Why would any liberal with an R by his name (Romney) be nominated by any real Conservative?

I'm glad he's doing it this will give somebody like Michelle Bachmann a chance to place themselves right of Romney the RINO.

Infected cut in my mouth?

A few days ago I had apparently bitten a huge chunk of my inner cheek. I didn't notice until it started to swell and hurt. I have tried just leaving it alone, but each time I even slightly move my teeth it gets irritated and swells more. I've swished salt water, but it doesn't seem to help. Are there any other home remedies out there? (I'm also a broke college student without a lot of supplies in my apartment.) Anyone looking to troll here are not welcome, I'm just looking for simple answers.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


a href="" rel="nofollow" Take a look, leave a comment!!

Neutered male cat keeps jumping on spayed female?

they've never been best of friends but they tolerate each other and sometimes even sleep next to each other, but every once in a while he will start staring at her with his tail swishing really fast and pounce on her and she will scream and run away or claw him. He sometimes does it with other cats male or female who live around us. One minute he's happily getting along with them and the next he locks in a stare, slowly creeps up and then jumps on them. He was neutered in the right time so i don't know if hes trying to mate or not and the other cats always run away before he can get into a mating positon if he is. Is it just a game he has or does he just want to mate even though his equipment is gone?

Aren’t America’s union members similar to “moderate” Muslims?

Funny isn't it, you see someone waving a red rag at you and you forget there's a bull in the ring too. The bankers and financial institutions have done your country and economy more harm than the unions ever could and they will continue to do it until you get some global agreement and the balls to do it.

Nauseous and headaches from flavored cigar?

I bought 2 packs of swisher swish mini cigars. (peach and grape flavor) so I turned off the fans in my room so the tabacco wont fly everywhere. And the weather is hot down here in Texas. I packed 12 mini cigars with pot. the smell of the peach and grape overpowered my room. when I opened my door I became nauseous and dizzy and had a headache. was it the overpowering smell that got me like this? Thanks.

What do you think about this writing?

Rushing, waiting, captive, rushing, swirling, banging on the doors of my prison, I swish and rush and pound my way for miles, endlessly, never ending, never stopping, waiting, waiting for the cold and the day of my freedom. I've been here all along, ever since birth, I've been surging back and forth, back and forth. Held within these walls, I've been here, waiting for escape from the narrow thread of current I've been dragged through for endless years, and still I wait. The sun goes down, the moon arises, and yet I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere, the world could not, would not, function without me. I see the faint glimmer of a blade pierce the air, I can taste the end and the frenzy with which the end is forcibly being shoved back, yet it doesn't work, it never works, the end always comes, swiftly, slowly, by surprise, or as a friend, long awaited and accepted. The walls of my captivity break, and I flow through, spurting, spewing, rushing into the crisp night air, never stopping to linger. I gather in pools of sick madness, waiting to be noticed, for I am never left alone long before I am sighted. Try as hard as you will to hide me, there will be traces, in memories if nowhere else. I stain the bare soil with my metallic scent, trickling through to the undermost layers of dirt, to lie there and stroke the seeds and roots of lush, vivid grass and harvest. I continue on, never stopping, never halting, although I am out of the temporary shell, for my purpose is infinite, timeless, the circle unbroken, and once I am freed, I am once again called back into a new asylum, a fresh start, an untouched circuit, only to continue and melt and slither and trill, revolution over revolution over revolution, following the rhythm, running the wheel, never looking back, until even Hell wants me no more.

What do you think of this 6 young illegal immigrants arrested in Ga. protest?

I say that it is a good thing that they did this in the US and not mexico, there the probably would have been shot.

Swollen jaw due to tooth abscess?

Bottom left side of my jaw has swelled up due to a tooth abscess. Been this way for about 4 days now. I have been mixing it up with a hot & cold pack and swishing with a salt water mix and so far not having any improvement. I have barely slept since it swelled up. I got laid off from my job not long ago because it was slow so I no longer have insurance to go to a dentist and don't have the money to pay out of pocket. Any suggestion on what I can do? Thank you

Swish, why do you cry whenever King Lv4 is right?

Yea. Swish my fellow Heat fan, don't take him seriously Bro! WE NEED TO WORRY BOUT GAME 2 NOW! FORGET IT!

Bump/creator around my tongue piercing?

I got my tongue pierced on monday evening, which would be 2 days today and ive religiously cleaned and tried to take care of it, ive swished with a little diluted mouthwash and ive noticed a bump/creator around my whole piercing. Should i be worried? Any tips on how I should properly clean and take care of my new piercing so I dont run the risk of an infection, ive been eating mashed potatoes icecream and soup since ive had it done. Someone said I should stay away from eating dairy for a few days since the swelling has gone down, ive also been sucked on ice to help. Does anyone know what this might be? i have whitesh/yellowish stuff on my tongue, ive heard its part of the healing process but should I be concerned about anything? Thanks

Do you believe there is too much prejudice around video games?

do you think that video games are being unfairly judged by people who have never played them before and generalize them all as bad .any serious answer is appreciated!

Why are FOX lead characters so similar?

Alot of em are made by the same people. Take family guy and american dad, almost same leads, same makers. Alot of companies do that.

I have a child support related problem im the dad?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

Why is the Conservative media making a huge deal about NBC cutting out "under god" in the Pledge?

NBC/MSNBC sucks anyway. Their ratings are a direct reflection of this. Interestingly, what 3 hrs after that clipped aired, NBC was already apologizing? Guess some folks were watching after all. NBC caved to the criticism of the people, not the Conservative media.

Would my dad notice if i took one of his cigarettes?

It depends, is he currently passed out? If so, go for it and tell him that he smoked it last night while he was drunk. If not, you shouldn't.

How to get over this dislike for Hispanics?

I live in New Mexico and I judge them and I don't want to! I bet a lot of them have good souls, just they've messed up a few times. I have hard time accepting the bad in people and so when I look at their community, I just look on it with disgust. It doesn't help to say that it's wrong, just teach me how to accept the bad in people. I've always tried to be "perfect" and I realize that it is my fault. Hell, I'm attracted to pretty much every single Hispanic guy so help me plz :]

How does Listerine work and how fast?

Does it kill bacteria outright? On contact? Why 30 seconds of swishing? How long does it take to kill the germs?

Will NBC's "The Voice" have the same judges next season?

All four judges have signed up for Season 2. Carson will be the host again. Season 2 is set to premier in February 2012. Auditions are going on now I think.

How do I explain to him that I love him? I really just want him to be happy.?

So there is this guy I have dated for 3yrs on and off. Yes we have dated other people after breaking up but I've always been in love with him. He knows I still love him and he says he still loves me. But ever since he left to job Corp he has been different. We aren't together but we still talk. He tells me that he wants me and him to get married and to start a family. Now I don't object to that at all. My question is how do I let him know I wont leave him or hurt him again? Help and please don't judge.

Why does the United States rely on the Constitution so much?

Instead of looking at problems and deciding what is morally right or best for the country as a whole, why does America judge everything based on what the Constitution says?

How and where do I file a complaint against a court clerk?

Virginia, like most states, elects their court clerks. So, if you have a problem with you court clerk, you should vote against that person, or perhaps even mount a campaign to run for the office yourself.

Problem with an older guy?

So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely, he treats me great and is super sweet. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??

Science behind kissing question?

if you're kissing someone and somehow you like the taste of their lips more than, say an ex, does that mean your's and this new guy's (that your kissing) genetics are more compatible to create babies? Because its kind of weird, but i didn't quite like how my ex's kisses tasted. Even if he brushed and swished with mouthwash. But this other guy that I used to like, his kisses were yummy. haha! so does that mean mine and my old crush's pheromones or whatever are better suited for each other? Just curious

I want to right a book, how is this for an intro?

The intro doesn't really tell anything about the plot and the reader would just put it back. I would rewrite it and aD more detail about the main plot. It does sound interesting though

Can you believe LeBron and his post-game comments?

To the person above...Im pretty sure he meant to say "Im still rich, you are probably atmost average, and so keep hating because everytime you say my name I get more money bee-aaatch"

My Fruit Ninja app lost its sound effects. Help?

I recently bought a fruit ninja app for my iPad 2. It was working fine until now. It lost its sword swishing sound and fruit squishy sound. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Campus question about university?

Okay, so lets say your first year of university you live in a dorm - so you're considered to be living on campus, right? If you pledge to a fraternity/sorority during your second year, and you move into the fraternity/sorority house, are you now considered to be living off campus? Or are you still on campus? I'm guessing that you're off campus, but I just want to be sure...

How can i deal with intense first day menstrual pain?

as i kid, on the first day of my period i wouldn't be able to consume anything not even water because it would come right back up, vomit continuously, have the runs, hot & cold flashes, and if i switched sides when lying down i could feel my insides swishing and sliding down to the new side causing me to vomit. all of this only on the first day, rest of the week would be pain free. had a baby, relatively pain free periods for 3 years, now i feel the 1 day pain episodes coming back. what are some ways i can deal with that without missing a day of work every month and having a child around to take care of?

Shooting basketball help?

I play basketball in a competitive league now. I have a complete game i'm a good defender,passer, and ok scorer. My midrange shots are pretty consistent around the freethrow line. My coaches, teamates, and other teams i've played agaisnt haven't really mocked my shot because its mostly swishes in the net, or looks like a swish everytime i shoot. One day i played agaisnt these random teens at the park and they mocked my jumpshot. I am 13 and my shot is similar to Magic Johnson. My guide hand leaves the ball once i jump up and it looks like i shoot with one hand. Now it's hard to change my jumpshot after mastering the midrange almost and shooting the same way for years. Please help me.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Am I a conservative, libertarian, or Neo-Con?

I would classify you as a mild conservative overall, but you're obviously not someone who subscribes to a political stance simply out of a gang mentality.

@swish, listen to these songs (20 characters)?

Funny how everybody became "Taylor Gang" after Black and Yellow came out but never listened to Wiz years before that.

Who would you like as the next "the voice" judges?

do you think they should use the duet people (pat monahan, maranda lambert, etc) that might be cool but i would fell bad for whoever gets stevie nixx

Trot is good but jumping and cantering is a nightmare!?

So I have just restarted from the beginning and trying to retrain my horse another way. In another way I mean more forgiving and less pressure on the bit. For about a week or 2 we have just done walking and trotting. It's been going very well so this last week I have tried to canter again. She always has issues with falling through her left shoulder. Whenever you get her moving straight and ask her for a faster gait she has to fall through it before she picks it up. Also when you add leg at a faster gait she pins her ears back and swishes her tail around. So when I'm cantering she throws her head up in the air, picks up the pace, starts swishing her tail, pulls/holds the bit, and just seems very unhappy. Cantering to the right is also the worst! She kind off does this weird thing where she like, I don't know how to explain it, but she lifts her upper body up in the air a little bit and kind of launches forward. It's weird and frustrating. She also pulls on the bit so hard. But if I release the pressure on the bit at all she just goes faster and faster. Yes, we have had her teeth done and the vet said she needed hock injections and those were done about a month ago along with her back getting adjusted. Jumping is the same except worse-Faster and angrier. I don't know if this is of any importance but we cantered going up this hill at my barn and she was great. No pined ears or swishing tail.

I'll be honest, I'm addicted to pornography. Need help ASAP!?

First of all I've had traumatizing sexual experiences as a child. I'm learning to cope with my past and troubles. I've been to counciling, but not for addiction. I also used drugs like LSD, mushrooms, and weed before I realized my past and all that stuff came to my awareness (conscience). The world of drugs has led me to mind control and using some methods and techniques on myself (if possible), I've been using techniques like anchoring, re-framing, re-imprinting, behavioral modification (negative and possitive reinforcement), and swish pattern on myself instead of others to try and get desired results. I definatly think this is the wrong path but nothing really hits home so to speak. Any advice would be appreciated.

Pledge of Allegiance in Eugene?

I live in Springfield Oregon which is like the sister city of Eugene the only thing separating the two cities is basically a bridge over the river but culturally they are totally different. The Eugene city counsel just refused to start council meetings with the pledge of allegiance except for four times a year as a compromise. I think that is totally stupid I mean if you are going to hold a public office you better be able to say the pledge in public. And what's worse is that now people are going to get the wrong idea about people who live here. Most people here do not feel like the city counsel really speaks for everyone in the city. What do other people think about the pledge of allegiance?

Can I report a lawyer to the bar for inaction?

My (ex)husband and I made our final payments to the lawyer in March (2011) for our paperwork to be drafted and submitted to the judge. It's now end of June and NO PAPERWORK has been drafted up. Repeated calls to the office have been met with hostility, and excuses. What can we do?

What are the pledges of martin luther king junior?

martin luther king was fighting against injustices that ere happening in georgia.There was racial equality he made some pledges to stop people from treating others unfairly.

Why do some people think that "Secular" means forcing religion and sometimes even culture out of the public?

Because religion needs to be separate. It needs to stay in the homes and churches of believers and only there. I do not wish to see continuous advertisements for what cannot be true and cannot exist. If I were interested, I know where to go for the information.

Bad throat, is it caused by thrush, help?

I went to the doctor about 3 weeks ago and he told me i had thrush, he gave me this medicine that i had to swish around in my mouth, i took it for about 3 days and then stopped because it started making me feel stomach sick. Then, about two days ago my throat started feeling weird, like i felt like i was going to throw up in my throat, and it makes me want to urge when i swallow? And its very uncomfortable I looked in my throat and i could see a bit of white on the wall of my throat. So is this caused by thrush? If i go to the doctor, what will they do for me?

How to treat infected stitches?

Prescribing oral antibiotics after oral surgey is pretty standard. Call the oral surgeon's office and ask him to write you a script and leave it with the secretary so you don't have to pay for another office visit.

If you have something to say, say it?

People are giving me thumbs down for saying I am Russian and that I love Russian accents and culture. If you guys have something to say, say it. I will not judge.

What happened to Casey Anthony trial this afternoon?

I was watching it online, they took a 5 minute recess and hasn't been back on. I don't want to wait until I get home to find out what's going on. I saw on here where someone gave Ashton the finger while on camera and the Judge gave him 6 days and $623 fine. Was that today?

Should "One nation under God" be removed from the pledge?

Frankly speaking, it's an embarrassment that my country would have that as it's National Anthem. Regardless of your beliefs, do you think it should remain? Or don't you care?

Guy problem please help?

So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

Well I Think he was gonna ask u out he just had thoughts and just chickened out, yeah guys do make excuses to talk to girls they like just cuz they dont know how to start a conversAation with a girl, its complicated but i say keep flirting, u should tell him how u feel.

Do all Catholic Presidential Candidates state they would not be under the authority of the Pope?

Joe Biden the vice president is a Catholic. When JF Kennedy ran for Presidency he stated that the Pope had no authority over him when it came to legislation. So he was free to pass pro-choice laws without being ex communicated. I wondered if all Presidential and vice Presidential candidates make similar pledges. Is this even an issue nowadays?

Working, toddler, and menstrual pain. how do i deal with it?

as i kid, on the first day of my period i wouldn't be able to consume anything not even water because it would come right back up, vomit continuously, have the runs, hot & cold flashes, and if i switched sides when lying down i could feel my insides swishing and sliding down to the new side causing me to vomit. all of this only on the first day, rest of the week would be pain free. had a baby, relatively pain free periods for 3 years, now i feel the 1 day pain episodes coming back. what are some ways i can deal with that without missing a day of work every month and having a child around to take care of?

Question about my lip piercing?

okay so let me start off by saying a long time ago i got my ear pierced at the mall and it was kool and all. then after time i decided to gauge it and then since i was gauging that one i decided to gauge the other one but i was young and retarded, i used a thumb tack to pierce my other ear and then i shoved the other gauge in that ear so i was kool at first then soon later i got a big growth that i found out was a keloid and i got it removed at a dermatologist and they said it could possibly grow back and to come back in a month to check it out.. i never went back cuz it never grew back it healed perfectly, now 1.5 years later i forget this all happened and just recently got my lip pierced at a shop a couple days ago with SURGICAL STEEL and it was done clean i used mouthwash and they cleaned it, and everyday i take care of it, i rinse with mouthwash and clean the front with glycerin soap (vitamin e) and i also swish my mouth with warm salt water and i dip cotton balls in it and rub it on the front to clean it too.. what are the chances of getting a keloid on my lip cuz i just remembered i got one a long time ago on my lip but i did get my lip done professionally done and i clean it! so what you think?

Horse gets angry when you put your left leg on?

My horse has a problem of falling through her left shoulder. But whenever you put your left leg on she throws her head up, pins her ears, and swishes her tail. This happens a lot more in the trot and canter though but still happens in the walk. If you get her moving without falling through her left shoulder she is wonderful but that only happens for a matter of seconds. Also if you get her left shoulder moving straight and ask for a faster gait like the trot she can't pick it up for her life without falling through the shoulder. How can I fix this? Is she in pain or just mad?

WWE has already taped next week's Monday Night RAW, so here's proof that CM Punk's promo was scripted?

Alberto Del Rio must be pissed off.....It seems like a great story though. Better than anything they have done in a long time.

Why is America getting so soft?

You're the sort of person who, once upon a time, would have complained about how we were becoming "soft" with regard to black people and treating them equally. If you don't get the "under God" argement (or any other), just keep your mouth closed. With luck, it won't be TOO obvious that you're a totally idiotic bigot.

How can i tell if i have a infection?

i fell asleep in my dorm and a couple of guys shoved a glass test tube up my **** and when i stood up it broke . its not bleeding anymore and the our pledge scooter got most of the glass out. but my *** is like turning black and greenish and im in constant pain and when my girlfriend was giving me a rim job i lost controll and **** on her face :/

Why do I hear this swishy noise in my stomach?

Whenever I contract my stomach I hear the sound of water swishing around, and my friend said it's "Nasty". I'm confused. I've been doing it for fun but it's still weird, it's not painful or anything, but it sounds funny and I wanna know what it is, Thanks!

Why do most men buy their wives nice cars and drive old cars for themselves?

Most of the men I know with wives that do not work have much nicer cars than their hushands. Does anyone know why that is? Or does it even matter? One reason I was asking is when I first go married about five years ago, I bought my wife a brand new Suzuki Forenza. Meanwhile, I was driving an older Ford taurus. Last year, the taurus finally died and I bought myself an 07 BMW 325I. Now we are getting a divorce (no kids), but I am the primary breadwinner in the household. Many of my friends have told me that the Judge will not like the fact that I am driving a nicer car than she is and because of it, I will likely have to pay her alimony or a large settlement to her. Does that sound legal to anyone?

How to swallow a big pill?

I used to have a hard time swallowing pills as well, especially larger ones. What I would do is to take a sip of something like milk and swallow it with that. When that doesn't work, I like to mix up a Dixie sized cup of Tang, make it extra strong, drop the pill in, hold my nose, and gulp the contents of the cup down. After a couple days, you will get used to swallowing the larger pill, but it does take time. As some one else said, try to be relaxed as much as possible, which will help guarantee your success.

My brother has phobia and full of problems?

I don't have a clue but good luck I wish you all the best and that everything goes to plan sorry I couldn't help

I have a problem involving child support and best intrest. Im the father?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

Who here thinks the 2006 Finals were rigged and why+ @ swish?

Of course it was. There are tons of videos showing phantom fouls that constantly sent wade to the foul line. Stern hates Cuban, and it was the superstars of Wade and O'Neal who made money for the NBA, against a smaller team who only had Dirk Nowitzki.

Whats wrong? is this colic? please read ?

Listen for his gut sounds. If you hear not enough, or too much, could be colic. Also, take his temperature, CRT, and do the skin pinch test on him.

What do you think of this news story?

its kinda funny, a guy sniffing at girl's armpit. lol like how often did we hear about this fetish right? especially a muslim pervert. never had this in mind. this is an extreme sex addiction maybe because he loves watching porn and masturebates. its good if its "under control"..but once it gets wild, it becomes like mohamed's case. i prefer treating him rather than giving him 18 lashes..its not practical. at least he didnt rape or murder.

Is it true that driving requires all your senses to work together?

let me preempt you, you want to be able to drive all these types of vehicle perfectly well any time, well if this is the case, i think this might be tough. to be candid your driving can only be smooth on one of type vehicle that you stayed with, as long as you are doing off and on with other type of vechile, each instance you come back your senses will struggle to adjust it natural.

What's it like auditioning for America's Got Talent?

Is it true that you have to go in one separate round to go to the judges? Like you have to pass one round, then go to the judges? Thanks.

Im interested in joining the army, what do?

ever since my gpa in highschool was a .7 ive come to terms with the fact the only employment i could ever get was in the military. I know they dont look for very intellegent individuals, so i feel like ill fit in perfectly. Basically all i did through high school anyway was use LSD and play Call of Duty Modern Warfare, and it really inspired me. I was like, if these commandos on this video game can kill whoever they want, then i should definitely be able to do that in the army! im intending on going to basic within the next couple of months and am looking forward to keeping my cuntry safe from murderous villains and terrorists. The only thing keeping me from killing myself, is my unstoppable devotion and love for my country that i pledged allegiance too every day while in highh school while on lsd.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What is wrong with my grandmother?

SHe needs to be on medication for her schizophrenia and her behavior's will change drastically. Google schizophrenia and her actions wil match the symptoms of it.

Why does my friend copy me?

the best thing is to talk to her. if you think that kind of friend is a best friend, time to evaluate her again.

What would motivate NBC to cut "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Horse Swishing his tail?

When I'm grooming a certain horse at my stable, he will constantly be swishing his tail, despite the lack of flies. Although I do know that swishing his tail often means he's frustrated/angry, its so consistent that that doesn't seem to be the case. He also does this even if I just touch him or pet him. What's going on?

Chance I might be pregnant??..?

I am not even stressing over it. I'm younge and we all make mistakes you know. I had unprotected sex June 19 and a couple time before it. I havent got my period yet, I missed it. I have to pee alot more than usual, headaches stomach and lower bac pains. Spotting at the first of it for like 10mins. We used te whole "pull out" method but I've heard it doesn't work because of pre ***. Or whatever, I'm not saying I am ready or I am not ready for a Baby, but I'm not worrying about it. Any advice on if I could be pregnant or not? Don't judge me because I could care less for rude comments/opinions. But yeah please and thanks you.

I need help child support related im the father?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

Agressive dog that I want in a show?

Ok so my dog is a really cute dog. My friends have commented on how he should be in shows and stuff like that but there's one problem: my dog hates other dogs and tries to bite People who he doesnt know that try to pet him or even come up to him. I dOnt think any judge would want to get bitten so any tips on what I can do to help him become nice? And he's a 3 or 4 year old Cockalier ( cocker spaniel and cavalier king Charles spaniel mix) thanks!

How free is "free will" if there are supposed consequences?

how is it that we are said to have free will but will, in the end, be judged on our actions. That, is in fact, not free will then

Tail swishing in dressage?

A lot of horses, particularly Blu Hors Matine, absolutely love their jobs. Tail swishing is not a sign of irritation, it is a sign of enjoyment and fun. The horse's ears are forward and it's not showing any hesitance in the movements whatsoever. This horse is dancing and loving every minute of it!

What the hell is copyright?

It is understandable that copyright can protect people's descriptions of their idea whether on paper or anything else. But how does it specifically protect it? For example, someone learned grammar, vocabulary etc. and how to form neat sentences from books. The books have copyright, and eventually this person that learned from that book might somewhere use a very similar expression, forming of sentence or even word to word to another idea. Where does copyright lie here? Can't someone read a novel and memorise a lot of sentences and use them time to time because they eventually become "his" words? It is nice that copyright does protect novels etc. but what does it actually mean that you can't physically copy something because it's the creator's own original work? What original work is this about? Many sentences are alike and people that are learning literacy at school are learning to write the same way as the best author's in the world. Obviously when you write something it will look different to an extent. For example, from a newspaper I'm quoting a sentence "But when asked about that pledge her office was quick to clarify." can't this sentence ever be used word to word again because the article is "copyrighted"??? Please can someone clarify...

Do you agree with Mitt Romney, or Herman Cain?

I like Cains position that he would wait for it to be passed through congress before he would sign it. Checks and balances are one of the keys to this Govts structure, somthing that seems to have been thrown out the door in recent years.

Why would NBC edit the Pledge of Allegiance?

It was done on purpose and he knew exactly what he was doing(the person who edited it). No apology is good enough for this because when you apologize for doing something wrong it means you are truly sorry. He was not sorry and I bet he thinks it was great. God will take care of him at a latter date.

I want to leave home but my mom won't let me?

Fuckn leave there asses..ur 20!! U can leave..ur an adult!! I would've left along time ago...I'm 18 years old and dnt live with my parents...18 is the age u can leave the housee...go girl lol:) live YOURR LIFE!!

Changing childs last name?

So we live in ca just got Temp full custody of my stepson hopefully it will be permanent soon. My bf is not on the bc and did not get to pick any part of the name his ex is an evil b*tch.... Anyway we picked name change forms & the clerk sd to ask mom if shed be willing to atleast add dads last name of course she said never. So we will be asking the judge for a court order and im wondering what are the odds that it will be granted? Is it possible? We have a son together who has dads last name and my poor stepson doesnt understand why hes not like papa and lil brother..... What can we do?

Ever since I watched the movie Inception. . . .?

so once i finished watching the movie Inception i pledged that i'd do the best i can to do something similar in my dreams like create things or buildings and stuff and 2 nights ago i did it!! I reliezed it was a dream somehow and so i attempted to make things happen and it would work. if i would lift my arms up trees would grow or buildings would get bigger and i remember thinking "i want to ride a horse" and a horse would apear. everything would go my way, is it wrong that i was playing GOD? i dont want to offend Him in any way even in my dreams but it was amazing! has anybody ever had a simialar expierience?? Do you think its wrong i was acting like GOD in a way?

Do you think he likes me??!! can i have some opinions?

So the guy I like was behind me. He started to talk to me about the science test we just took. We were talking for like 5 minutes. And he is also in my music class. we were just standing around so i looked up at him and he was staring right at me. and then we were like "conducting" and he was like "swish and flick" (it's from harry potter and we are both HUGE harry potter fans) and then looked up to see if i laughed (which I did). and then my friend and I were laughing really hard (she was cracking sketchy jokes) and he kept looking back at us and smirking. Then, i went back to science after school to finish my test and he was there. He came up to me and was like "Whenever I looked back, you and alex (my friend) were like laughing...". and i was just like "yeah.." and he was looking at me a lot when we were taking this test. we talk a lot and stuff. and he always just randomly says my name when i'm standing in front of him and then smiles and laughs... do you think he likes me?? what should I do?

Am I obsessed with getting married?

You do think about your possible marriage a bit more than the common girl. You also think about it in terms of having dominance. Marriage is not going to be what you imagine. Its hard work. And you will NOT get to make all of the decisions.

How does macomb county ememplify hypocrisy?

don't judge I have read the whole book twice and I can't ask my mom because she has disexia and my dad is always working all night and sleeping all day. please help I don't understand and need help

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why do some people get offended when "under God" is omitted from the Pledge of Allegiance?

Its offensive to you if its in there and its offensive to me if its not. At least I can take solace in knowing that the Lord will soon end all of this nonsense. It does not violate anything in the Constitution, for by uttering two words, no one is attempting to establish any religion, whether under the auspices of the government, or not. The only ones that believe that are crybaby atheists and the Atheist Criminal Liberties Union.

Aren’t America’s union members similar to “moderate” Muslims?

There have been times for example in 1980s Britain, when powerful unions run by militant leaders went way too far. However there is nothing inherently evil about labour unions, and its ridiculous when some people say crazy things like unions are the beginning of communism etc. Im pretty right wing however its only right wing nut jobs who are just as bad as the loony left who say such things.

(10 pts!)Applying to a college with a 60% acceptance rate and I have a 3.7 GPA?

Yeah I think you should get in 60% isn't that exclusive and your GPA is pretty good. The only problem might be if your school has advance/honors/AP classes but you only took standard. But that's really cool that you're doing a year abroad! I'm jealous! Oh and it's always better to have extra curriculars and it also depends on your sat scores.

Should the words "Under God" be removed from the pledge ?

I believe in God but I'm in the 9th grade and I asked my atheist friend once what he does when we have to recite the pledge every day in school and he goes " I just make fun of it ha ha " and I laughed too but seriously isn't this like a problem for people who don't have a religion ?

What would be some good challenges to add to a "pledge board" like in American Pie: Beta House?

Me and my mates are all 16, all have girlfriends and all drink alcohol. We have a garage to ourselves which we've converted into a "lad's paradise". We were thinking it would be cool to have a "pledge board" like in American Pie. The ideas can be as crude or crazy as you want! Any ideas on what we could do?!?!

Tattoo of a nine on wrist?

One of my colleagues has a tattoo of the number nine on her wrist, does this have any large meaning? I don't judge people with tattoos, like a lot of people in my business do. I was just curious.

How is it that Newt Gingrich, a member of the party of "fiscal responsibility" runs into 1 million dollars+?

Saint Newt is the epitome of "Do as I command, not as I do." He's a very bright man. He is also a train wreck.

I bit the skin off from my mouth, can it get infected easier because it's in my mouth?

I had a little piece of skin hanging in my mouth, so i bit it, and next thing i knew, under my lip, a nice fingernail sized section was missing. The next day it was swollen like crazy, and it's a yellowish bump. I swish every day, and make sure to keep my mouth clean, but is it at more of a risk for infection? I can't bandage it up or anything, so do I just let it sit for a few more days?

Nursing Toddler/Visitation Issues?

It depends on what the judge thinks is best. Since you live several hours away from each other, it'll be a little harder to plan a schedule to where, if needed, you could be there quickly. Your daughter might have to stay overnight with him, but the judge might make it to where it starts with her being there for one or two days at a time, then gradually go up. But like I said, it depends on what the judge thinks will work.

Son's Father Lying to Judge making fake cases?

My Son's father is lying to the judge here in fairfax county va. I think he feels this is a win~lose thing instead of deciding the welfare and template in which our child will be raised by. Some background, he tried to breastfeed our infant son so I threw him out of our apt. He said he'd had therapy but since I didn't trust him I had him come see a therapists i'd been seeing for sleeplessness and depression. He admitted to the therapist what he'd done. Then I never left him alone again with our son I moved into my mom's house and filed for child support. To get me to drop the case, we went to a notary and got an agreement for support signed. He paid support for 2 mos. I refiled, he signed a second agreement claiming the first didn't outline visitation. The third agreement was made in front of our senior army sergeants. This one he didnt abide by for a month. I went through with child support so he responded by filing for custody/visitation. We were ordered to mediation. Mediation resulted in agreed I retain full phys custody and he had supervised visitation until our child was 5. He was 2 at the time. I warned the mediators he was a tricky liar. As soon as mediation was ending he said he'd like to postpone visitation for a year. Our agreement mandated he would make contact with me and he'd have to attend therapy for 6 months before visitation would resume. Since he hadn't been making timely payments, my commander was willing to contact his but he stopped calling and the rear detatchment made it clear that support want in the order. Meanwhile, our son is almost five and couldn't pick his father out of a lineup. Guess who pops up. While I thought we were working through our NCO's he went to court to file a show cause (he'd never consistently provided support). He's now over 5K behind but he's beem telling me he's still deployed. Instead he's lied to the judge saying HE CAN'T FIND ME. I have kept my addresses current with va but they filed a show cause anyway. Help.

How to impress judge as a juvenile?

i am 15 and in about a week, i will be going to court for my sentencing( i pleaded guilty to m1 arson) and i would like to know what impresses a judge and what to do in court and what not to do. this is my first criminal charge, so i do not know a lot about court. id appreciate any help and thanks in advance

Any BA basketball stoRies.?

aight so this cracker who thinks he d rose was wearing his bulls jersey (d rose) was guarding me. I'm sf for my team (bout 5'0) and I can kill threes. Aight well the Craker said you can't make it and I was like yea son? And I'm dribblin left handed. This d rose kid went for a steal. (he knew I wasn't good at left handed dribblin and went for the steal(diving like on 2k11.) I went between the legs. And he left me with a wide shot. I looked back at him and saw him looking at me. I shot for three. Right after my shot, I just walked away like nothing happened happened. Walkin away. I heard SWISH!

Please help me with my resume! I really need help I have no idea what to do?

I work at my school as a work study job where I would call alumni and students parents and ask them to make a pledge to the university to current departments within the school. Who would I describe that in my job experience section?

I have food debris in the hole of where my tooth used to be. Extraction?

I got two of my premolars (bicuspids) removed 3 days ago and Ive been eating soft foods since then but I think I got some food debris stuck in one of the holes where my teeth used to be. My post op check up is in 4 days. Ive tried rinsing my mouth out and swishing water around but it wont come out...should I just wait until the appointment?

How can I make my girlfriends "first time" with me pleasurable?

Judging from what I've heard. A women's "first time" is mostly painful and I want to know how and what I can do to make my girlfriends "first time" with me pleasurable. I don't want to cause her any pain :/. And I'm also a virgin so yes I'm also inexperienced. Thankyou :)

Ladies would you feel threatened if your guy ocassionaly liked to slip on a dress, stockings & heels and?

I think it's funny how you assume he wears the pants in the family to begin with. Very few things threaten me, and my guy dressing like Marilyn Monroe isn't one of them.

"The Quran permits men to stone and beat their women." Doesn't the Old Testament do that, too?

There is actually more of it in the old testament then the Quran. Have you noticed that christians will say it doesn't count because it's the old testament yet insist that the old testament creation story is true - because it's in the old testament.

Does my poem sound okay?

It's really great! I feel it's directed to teenagers and being one myself I find it easy to relate to

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

He likes you, but i guess he's too shy about his feeling, maybe he afraid that a rejections from you.

Should unions get every single thing they want?

You forget the Unions represent the working people. in California, Teachers, Cops, Firefighters, Postal Workers etc have taken pay cuts, furlough days, and lay offs for last 3 years

After washing toy legos in the sink they are stiff & dont slide together easily. What can be done to fix it?

Use a very light dusting of silicone or silicone spray, wipe off any excess and they should be as good, if not better, than new.

More 3 Pointers in WNBA?

I was watching the WNBA game yesterday between Phoenix and San Antonio and I noticed that they were hitting way more threes than the NBA. The court dimensions are the same as NBA and basket height are the same but they kept swishing threes even when they were well guarded.

How do I cope with loving someone so far away?

Let me start from the very beining. I grew uP in washington state. In the beginning of middle school my mom dad and me moved to new york. In the beginning of last June my family life became alittle crazy. So my amazing grandma talked with my parents and convinced them to let me move in with her in Washington for the summer. Inwas really exited because my grandma was really cool and would Give me a lot of freedom. The first week there I spent most of my time in the house because my grandma was really busy at work. One day I was taking the trash out and I saw cris. At first sight he was very cute. He has wavy brown hair that kind of swished. He wore his skinnys that he wore so often and his 8th grade graduation graduation t shirt. He looked over and smiled at me and asked me if I was new to the nebiorhood and i said ya and he said we should hang out sometime. That was the day my life changed. For the next few weeks I would see him around and we would have light conversation. One day we were bolth going for a jog so we ran together. Another day I invited him in the house and made him Mac and cheese. We started talking more since bolth of his parents worked in the day and his brother was always busy driving places with friends. Some days he would bring me to the basketball courts and introduce me to his friends and I quickly got to know them. They were amazing people and just hilarious. One day in about mid July I went with chris to his friend ethan's house to swim cus Ethan had an awesome pool. We were having fun and I'm not going to lie may had a beer or two from ethan's parents fridge. I was going to impress the boys by doing a back flip of his diving bored. When I did I hit my head and fell into the pool uncontious. Chis knowtisted and dove in and save me. The next thing I remember was chis leaning over me his eyes bright blue with tears running down and yelling at Ethan to call 911. Of corse when I found my voice I told him don't be silly I was fine. They got me ba

Is there something wrong with me?

i'm a 23 year old female who has never been in a relationship before. i went on dates and had a guy i was seeing in a no strings attached thing for 2 years. it's just the guys i like never want me and the ones that do like me , i have 0 interest in. i am told all the time that i am attractive and i'm a really nice person. i kind of just gave up on the whole relationship thing now cause if it hasn't happened by now, i feel like i will be alone forever. i'm fine being single because i have no idea what it's like to be in a relationship.i do have low self esteem though and low self confidence. i'm pretty independent too. is there anything wrong with me if i am single for a few more years? will people judge me? it seems like all my friends have boyfriends and are starting to get engaged.

How funny do you think it is?

That the judge in the Cassey Anthony trial just gave some clown in the audience 6 days in jail and $600 fine for flipping off the prosecutor

How can i become an disney actress?

go to there website for auditions. they are shooting a new show called jesse with debby ryan in the fall and they need a mexican looking girl for the part

Judge Belvin Perry...?

Exudes an amazing sense of patience, but doesn't mess around at the same time. What is your opinion? Do you think he has been expeditious about getting this mockery over with?

Is this a good scene? How can I make it better?

It's good. I'm not a fan of the verb, "swished," though. ("but suddenly a dark grey paw swished her away") It's way too soft. You need a verb here that's really forceful, perhaps, "snatched," seized," or "captured."

Does drinking water inbetween drinking pop help your teeth?

Say I take a drink of pop, then take a drink of water immediately after, and even maybe swish the water in my mouth a little... does it help prevent tooth erosion and even bacteria growth by washing away the sugar in my mouth from the pop? Fluoride is also an additive in our local water. I've been doing it lately and i drink 2 or 3 pops a day on average, and IMO it seems to be helping, Is it just in my head? i usually drink about 25% more water than pop when doing it.

Hows my writing? Honest opinion please?

It's OK you've got some good dialogue, but you could really do with describing the scene a bit more :)

If i got a DUI will i still be able to get my license soon?

So, there are two main issues at play to answer your question. First, is that a minor can be arrested for a DUI while still be well below the legal limit. I assume in your case it was only a negligible amount. Here is a law article on Minor DWI in Texas: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a So, you were probably given a full DWI in this case despite the fact that you were basically fine-ability wise. Second, Texas law also allows for the instant suspension of a license after a DWI of any sort. Here is another law article on Texas license suspension laws: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a So, in your case, it is likely that the officer told you wrong. You were arrested for a DWI, and the law allows for immediate suspension, so you may have to fight to get it back. Yikes! Sorry, what a crappy situation. I think the Texas no tolerance laws are silly for this very reason. :(

Correct this English ?

"You know not what is love.when you casually talk about love,I,the most-qualified guy who can swear love and pledge loyalty to you, am wounded bloodily.My love has no last,just like yours has no first……" Correct it if you can,and tell me do you think the one who write it is able enough to try literary English expression?thanks in advance

I have a jealousy problem, help?

My fiancee has a best friend that he's known like all his life. And he loves her and w/e cause she's his best friend. But I guess after a couple of years they like never talk. But he still cares for her. Every now and again @ like the worst times she'll pop up. And it bothers me cause she's not there for him like I am :'( All she ever does is vent to him. And I still let him talk to her cause I mean its his best friend... It makes me very uncomfortable... And like it upsets him that I'm uncomfortable. How does he expect me to feel? He loves her :'( he told me he'd never leave me for her...but still don't I have a right to be upset. And like I have a best friend too, but I don't love him. And we pretty much have same relationship as my fiancee nd his best friend. So he 'claims' he doesn't care about my guy friend but I know he does. So he shouldn't judge me for being upset... I love him very much, please tell me what to do.. I don't want to be like this. I just...I'm uncomfortable.....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Does he have a crush on me or something?!?

I moved to this school in fifth grade. Now I'll be going into freshman year. During the summer of fifth and sixth grade I went to the school to hang out with my best friend at the time(A girl). On the way there as we passed the gas station, there was a group of the more jock-like guys, who I do not like because they were very rude and judged people A LOT. Yes, we did have jock-ish people at that time, more mild then, though. Story short- we got called losers, fatties, bitches, etc., but went on. They were there when my friend and I got to the park-school thing. They teased us, stole my water, and well, were assholes. I never wanted to see their faces, mainly his. To my surprise, he was in my 6th grade class. Well, I avoided him because of his douche-ish acts. During the year, I progressed into more of a girl.(Within 3 months) Meaning--not to be offensive-- I slimmed out and got 4 inches taller.I was really short, by the end of that I was 5' and 1 half inches. After that was over... I caught him staring at me. That went on for the rest of the school year. While we were at a week long camp(in May), he was in my group, one thing on my mind- oh joy... I told this kid who I joke around with a lot that I, jokingly, hated him, the guy who I'm asking the question about(who I'll nickname 'boy') was behind me talking to a guy. Boy then said, 'you don't hate me, right?'. Confused I said "no.. you're alright." that was odd. On the last day of school, Boy walked up to me blushing and was going to say something, but then walked away.(I know it's long, bare with me!) He has been in 4 of my classes(not including 6th grade) during the course of middle school, and has been my project partner once, and we barely talked to each other during that time, or during middle school at all. Boy still stared and sometimes blushed or smiled. I talked to my very good best friend, who is a gamer and guy, and he said he has only the slightest clue of a yes. My very few female friends say, maybe. I really do not like this guy! He is rude and keeps girlfriends for like 2 months or less. Boy also harshly dumps them 75% of the time. He has been in my dreams a lot, though. Sometimes romantic scenes, and other times I battle him to the death. Thanks for reading through the whole long story. Please answer, and again, thanks!

NBA: So is this the end for you know who in the..?

Oh my god. Alert the media. Schedule a press conference. The public is going to go nuts over this decision...

How to deal with college depression?

I just had my college orientation, and while a normal person would be super excited about attending, i am nervous and depressed. i am horrible at making friends and i just never know how to meet people and have them like me. people judge me because of my acne, so that doesn't help the situation. i am nervous the classes will be too hard and I will lonely and I won't fit in in such a large university. there were so many students at orientation and when i first got there nobody knew each other, but by the time i left it seemed like everyone already had a group of friends but me and it just really hurts. how can i get excited about going away to school. i used to be excited, but now that reality is sinking in, i am more nervous/depressed about it.

What do you think of my piece of writing? I read it all..and ..I think to be completley honest, i just have to say, your ******* amazing at writing! Its so poetic and its kinda creepy but yet beautiful! I love it!!!

Am I a hypocrite about race?

Recently I asked if judge Belvin Perry has a speech problem because he says pacifically instead of specifically and bofe & wiff & axe instead of both & with & ask. As expected, I got slammed. One responder said that there are various accents across the USA. I maintain that it is not an accent issue. This guy is a respected judge and cannot pronounce these words correctly. It bothers me that he has so much education and cannot speak proper English. On the other hand, until I retired, I used to commute by bus and there was a young black guy that got on the bus most days. He would be dressed in his baggies and always wore a hoodie pulled over his head. I could see a lot of white folks looking at him with that look that young guys dressed like that get. My first thought was that the poor guy has a job to go to and has to ride this bus with a bunch of fat bitchie white women. One day he got on the bus with another young guy who had a problem with his pay check and I offered to help as that was my area of expertise. That began a friendship that lasted for two or three years, despite the fact that he spoke ghetto language that often I could barely understand. We were two of the most unlikely candidates for a friendship that one could imagine. Me, an old white guy in his 50's with a good education, he a young black guy barely out of highschool. But I liked the guy and he liked me. He particularly liked my candor and soon learned that he could be candid with me. It became fun to watch the looks on the faces of some of the people on the bus when we would ask questions like who is that goofy looking white guy that plays for the warriors or some other question that white & black people are afraid to ask. My question is, how can I be totally unconcerned about this young black kid's ability to speak English and so concerned about Belvin Perry?

How can I keep from getting an erection when spending time with my girlfriend?

I'm 16 and just had my girlfriend over for dinner about 8 hours ago. We were watching a movie when my parents went to sleep and she started to cuddle with me. And when she started rubbing my chest I almost lost it. We're not sexual, and both have abstinence pledges, but I'm still a guy with those urges. She laid her head on my lap and felt the "zipper bump" that happens when you sit while wearing jeans, and she thought it was my penis. So she sat up quickly and seemed freaked out. I explained that it was just the zipper, but I'm scared of what would have happened if she actually felt my *****. Please help. "and if your a girl, would you be creeped out, or interested?"

Why does mindlessly reciting the pledge of alliegence mean that you love america more than someone that doesnt?

Why say it mindlessly? If you are not going to say it and mean it then you don't need to say it because it represents all of the service men that died. If you don't respect it then you do not need to degrade the pledge by saying it mindlessly.

Could a cavity form if I don't brush my teeth for a week?

I had my wisdom teeth pulled out recently and I was not allowed to brush my teeth for the first few days, but on the second one, I started using a prescribed mouth rinse morning and before bed and rinsing my mouth with salt water after every meal. Although I'm not sure that that helps because I'm not allowed to thoroughly rinse or swish the liquid around, it just sort of flows to one side then the other. I'm curious to know, could a cavity form over such a small period of time? It's only been 5 days since I last brushed my teeth.

AirWarrior and Swish where do you guys get your video clips for mixes at?

if u use this website a href="" rel="nofollow" you can download and save videos off youtube and then u edit the clips

Gay advice/ help needed please!!?

I have been dating one of my friends, also a girl for the past year. First it was a secret because i didnt want anyone to know n judge but she was very ready n hated lying. It got very hard so we told a couple of friends. Now a few people know mayb about 10 or 15. We are going to a lesbian function with some of her friends who are gay but i dont know them that well. She wants to go as a couple but i am scared of telling them n what they will think, who they will tell etc. I don't want to care what they think and who they will tell, i want to be honest without it affecting me. im just scared n dont know what to do. some1 tell me what to do argh! Thanks

Swish, why do you cry whenever King Lv4 is right?

Yea. Swish my fellow Heat fan, don't take him seriously Bro! WE NEED TO WORRY BOUT GAME 2 NOW! FORGET IT!

Quick NBA 2K11 Question?

yes u can, but its hard, you have to get fan loyalty up. if you can get that up you will get more votes.

My lawyer says that he cant give me the money for my sons case till his 18?

my son is 13 years old he got hit by a car.My lawyer is asking the insurance of the person who hit my son with there car an amount of money,but my lawyer says that the judge isn't going to give me that money till his 18.Can he give it to me know or will i have to wait till his 18?

How can I prove that I can afford to make my car payment in an upcoming reaffirmation agreement hearing?

I filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Michigan. The only secured debt that I have is a car loan which I signed a reaffirmation agreement for. Now I have to go to court to prove that I will be able to afford my car payments. My question is how do I prove I can make my payment to the judge? My parents live with me and my mother was my co-signer for the loan. She plans on going and telling the judge that if I can't make my payments she will do it. She doesn't have a very large income though so I am not sure how much of an impact that will have. I really can afford the payments myself but the way they figure expenses for basic things like food and clothing differ from the way I budget. I spend much less than other people apparently. Any suggestions as to how I can prove that the payments will be made would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Is it a big deal that Mitt Romney won't sign this group's pro life pledge?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What can i do about my loud neighbors? I NEED REAL HELP.?

I knew a guy once who had that problem. He laced their soft drinks with thallium. He's now on death row, so that didn't work out - I dunno, call the cops?

Can someone reword this for me?

The OAPA Act have combined Assault & Battery which may not seem to make sense at first. But the judge decides his sentence based on the actual injuries caused and level of intent. So, for every offense, there is a range of possible sentences.

Which Sims game should I buy?

Sims 2 is better to me and it's easier to use. The Sims 3 might take some time getting used to. And you can take care of a family in the Sims 2, also , so I don't know what the first answerer is talking about.

What is the author or title of historical romance novel?

I think it may have been set in Scotland, but I know it definitely wasn't in America. I started out with a king traveling through a storm to get to his new bride and he ended up dying. Because he died, a tyrant took over and started killing off the native people, trying to force them to pledge allegiance to him. A rebel leader attacked the tyrant's castle and took it over, but the tyrant wasn't there. Instead, the tyrant's unwilling fiance was there, so the rebel decided that the ultimate revenge would be to make her his slave and take her away from the tyrant. They end up falling in love, though they each mistrust the other. In the end, she is taken hostage by the tyrant because he realizes how the rebel feels about her. Please tell me someone has read this book and can tell me what it is!

Do you know pets that act weird like if they were people they would be weird?

My aunts cat cannot look anyone in the eye. It just looks at your forhead. Then there are those dogs that just stare at you with blank looks on their faces. There was this fish in my office tank that would swish away every time someone would walk near the tank. Then there was this parrot at my neighbors house that would just shriek out this awful noise for no reason whatsoever.

How can you get the Swish Method created by Tom Nordland for free?

I am not a really rich person but I am in love with basketball.Is there anyway I can get the swish method for free and if I can't then do you know what i am suppose to do.I wish i could buy it online but i can't.Please no answers that say buy it online.

Should the Pledge of Allegiance be Changed?

It amazes me that people can look at the pledge of allegiance, and the thing they come away with is a hang-up with the words 'under God'. We ought to pay more attention to the rest of it. We pledge our allegiance to our flag and our country, but most people can't even be bothered to even go out and vote, or give any thought to making our country a better place. This country, with all our problems, sadly created many times by our own government officials, is still the place that everyone would move to if they could, even if they have to do it illegally. But all we can see is the few things that divide us, such as the words 'under God'. I don't have a problem with removing the words, but I do wish the complainers would spend have as much effort trying to make our country better. Who else is going to do it if not us.

New guy i am talking to and starting to like?

hes very sweet and honest.hes 25.he just moved to my city.he lost his license.hes a roofer.and hes living with his older brother and his wife and kids till he saves up and gets a place.he said i am very beautiful and that he thinks we would be a good match if we connect.we live close.he smokes some pot but not much.said it helps him with his back problems.and hes smokes cigarettes.he has a son that he gets sometimes but lives in another province and he adopted his daughter that is his best friends daughter but was left by the father .so he didnt want her to be left without a dad.her dad left her at the hospital.he was married but left at the altar he said so hes careful when it comes to marriages but he wants long term.we found each other on online dating ya.he likes chatting with me.we messaged on the site that moved to texting as he gave me his number and thats how we are talking now.things is i want to take slow and i find him somewhat cute in some of his facebook pics but not in all.but i tend to judge mostly just on looks which dont get me i guess i should keep getting to know him.hes very intrigued by me he said .hes very interested.his license expired .he gotta get a new one.

Will table salt and hot water get rid of my canker?

Reccently i but myself on my upper lip. So I read that salt mixed with water will help. So If i pour table salt into hot water and swish it around in my mouth it will help my canker?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Forced to say pledge of allegiance?

Okay im 14 and just recently moved to the states from canada and in school i was told by the teachers i had to say the pledge of allegiance. I dont want to im a canadian patriot so i will never pledge my allegiance to another country besides canada and im an atheist so i dont lile the whole under god thing. Is there anything i can do?

Assaultd what can I do?

You should pursue this, as far as you can, and you should also remove yourself from her presence by moving out and going to a friend, this is not the way to live.

What could be wrong with my knee?

the popping and swishing sounds are normal but if it pains when u bend your leg there might be something wrong with your tender i don't now if I'm spelling it right , tender is like a white wire which bends your legs fingers etc. if that's affected you can give an oil massage to it . try it out if u still have the pain go to the doctor .

I really like this guy, he says i am a tease but hasn't asked me out yet?

I go dancing once a week and for months now i have liked this guy. He always says i look gorgeous and i have always said thank you. A few weeks ago, he got a bit more chatty with me and asked me how my love life was and i said not good at the moment and he responded by saying he had just finished a short relationship too. Anyway the evening finished and he said see you next week, i replied with a smile. When we danced together i am always smiling and looking at him, he went the following week and we danced on an off throughout the evening, i had my lbd on and i suppose i looked a bit sexier than usual, we danced and at one point he told me i was a tease, i was a bit shocked and didn't quite no what to say and said oh is that not good then and he said he liked it. But the thing is i was not even aware i was teasing, what could i have done to make him think i was teasing him. I made myself look nice, it wasn't trashy it was a lbd just above the knee and it swished from side to side when we danced. I was smiling alot, like i always do when i dance and he also mentioned you can come over an seduce me in the corner if you like with a big grin. I took it as a joke and said oh i am a bit out of practice i would need a list and laughed and just left it. I really like this guy and i am actually waiting for him to ask me out on a date, am i wasting my time? Am i really a tease? Please can someone help me.

What will make my boobs look larger?

I am 14 and a 34B. All my friends boobs are really big. Dont judge me, but im very concious. Is there any way to make it look like I have larger boobs? Like what clothing items.

Is Listerine mouthwash dangerous to weak liver?

I recently started using Listerine for about 2 weeks. And I believe it may be causing my liver to hurt.. I believe the alcohol is being absorbed through the tissues and gum in my mouth, and also breathing in the stuff, as well as swallowing a tiny bit while swishing it around may have contributed to my liver pain.. I know Listerine has alcohol in it. Could this be the reason why I'm hurting?

If there's an official separation of Church and State in the USA, why...?

Because Presidents, Congress, courts, and the public ignore what the Constitution says. At least swearing on a Bible in court is being phased out, but we still support religious groups with tax money through the Faith-Based Initiatives office. There are still public schools where teachers teach religious dogma as fact.

Who would God judge more harshly? The atheist who is honest about his unbelief, or the theist who is dishonest?

I don't know if there are different levels of judgement or not, but I would say if there was, the false Christian, because they are a stumbling block...

Why is my Blueberry Tetra swimming sideways and upside down?

PLEASE HELP! My poor fish which is a Blueberry Tetra (don't know if that's the real kind) all of a sudden has started to swim sideways and upside down. It's like he can't swim straight. I looked at his fins and they look a little torn up, but other than those problems he is still breathing, but I can't tell if he's eating or not. I have him in a separate tank so he can lay down and not get swished around! Please help me figure out what's wrong! I want to help him. Thank you!

Why are Republicans pledging allegiance to Grover Nordquist when they are supposed to pledge to the USA only?

Liberals Sequester from the Truth has his head so far up his *** that he actually posted that the best time the economy has ever seen was under Bush.....Mwaahhhahhahahahaha! That is hilarious. You see this is the type of moronic tea baggers we are dealing with, they wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the head....they can't handle the real truth, that they so fu$%ed up the economy under their watch that it may take Obama his entire two terms to fix it.

How to get cryengine?

Unlicensed most likely means illegal. The dev suite is probably hosted illegally on warez sites and file sharing networks.

Why is Swish crying about the game?

Remember yesterday when us Bulls fans were "crying" about obvious calls? Swish, stfu and DEAL WITH IT, lol!

Advice for a cut leg?

Instead of playing with folk remedies and quackery GET THE VET like you should have done in the first place!!!!

Do you think he likes me? I'm not sure...?

he definitely likes you, there are a couple weird bits like when he rapped about you and how he dances...but he definitely likes you

Opinions and Advice on this issue. *10 Pts*?

i think you said it all. he was young when those decisions were made, and sometimes we do things at a young age that we truly regret when we come a bit older and certainly a bit wiser. there may be a contractual agreement between the two of them that you are not aware of that came about when they seperated. with that said, yes, it is a shame that now he has nothing while she continues to live off him and in effect use him. he definitely does love you, you guys are good together and have a good relationship. that in itself is a good thing, and in the world of love and dating a rare thing. not so sure i would allow this to come inbetween you, nor bring it up many more times. he is hurt when you talk about it, just as you are hurt by the very fact that it is happening. i would let this go as one of those things you can think about, but not talk about, and come to some peace of mind with yourself to eventually just let this situation go. you can't do anything about it, and things we can't do anything about we need to let go.

I don't know what to do anymore?

In October 2010 I got my first horse. An 8 year old oldenburg/TB mare. When we went and looked at her everything was great! When she came home it was a totally different story. She is now extremely speedy, pulls/holds the bit, doesn't stop swishing her tail, throws her head up in the air, falls through her left shoulder and everytime you get her moving with her not going through it she drops it right away, always has her ears back, and never stops getting faster if you don't have a strong contact.I have tried EVERYTHING from medical to technique. Nothing has helped. Whenever we try something new I always think it's gonna be better. I almost always end up in tears when riding her and it's gotten to the point were coming to ride her is a chore. I wanted to move up and start the 3-3 6 jr. equitation in shows and that's why we got her but I doubt she will ever be a good equitation horse. I doubt we will be able to go to any shows because she is just not going well. I have no idea what to do anymore. What do you think?

Any good horror/movies to watch during Birthday Party?

There is a movie that is a comedy and horror movie called "Scary Movie" You can probably find it on Netflix or something.

Christians, how would you react if Muslim children started saying "under Allah" in the pledge?

Keeping in mind that Arabic speaking Christians also say "Allah" because it just means "God" in Arabic.

How do I use Phos Flur mouthwash?!?

I'm confused, it says do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes, does that mean I swish with the phos flur and do not rinse my mouth for 30 minutes or swish with phos flur, rinse then do not eat or drink for 30 minutes? So my question is do I rinse or leave it in my mouth for 30 minutes?

Is it possible for me to reach this running goal?

Im going to say it IS possible. Not only do you need to be practicing everday, and training yourself, you also need to make sure your eating heathly. But remember dont try too hard, you dont want to injure yourself. Try pacing yourself. Maybe run about 20-25 minutes everday. And then at the end of each week, time yourself. You should also try different techniques when practicing everday. Try doing like 1 minute jog, then the next minute, sprint, then next minute, jog, then next minute sprint, etc. Hope I helped! (:

Why do people say that a certain band is their favorite band when they only know about 3 songs by them?

that really annoys me! You cant judge a band based on only a few songs you like! and you cant really call them your favorite band then? or am I completely wrong?

Men: what should i do about this?

Juicy Red,I think you'll find that Ashamed daughter is not a dude (the clue's in the name) As for you Ashamed Daughter that is exactly what you should be you disgusting Tram*. If you want to make it exciting wait til it's over,call the cops and shout 'Gang rape' you poor,poor Tram*.

Question about the Pledge and the words "under God"?

I suspect it probably *has* lost all meaning. Probably there is no value in requiring it in schools. Other nations seem to get by just fine without any equivalent, and they don't seem to be undergoing any crisis of national identity.

How do I make an offering to satan?

I have recently been cutting my arms and pledging my blood to satan but what else does he like. Does he eat chocolate?

Did NBC intentionally edit the words "Under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance?

Of course they did. If it had been live there was a slight chance that it could have been unintentional. The fact that it was taped proves that it was intentional. Once a video tape is produced, as this had been, rest assured that every second of video + every second of audio on the tape was shot, edited, directed and produced exactly how the director & producer(s) intended it to be.

What do you think this means??? please answer!!?

So the guy I like was behind me. He started to talk to me about the science test we just took. We were talking for like 5 minutes. And he is also in my music class. we were just standing around so i looked up at him and he was staring right at me. and then we were like "conducting" and he was like "swish and flick" (it's from harry potter and we are both HUGE harry potter fans) and then looked up to see if i laughed (which I did). and then my friend and I were laughing really hard (she was cracking sketchy jokes) and he kept looking back at us and smirking. Then, i went back to science after school to finish my test and he was there. He came up to me and was like "Whenever I looked back, you and alex (my friend) were like laughing...". and i was just like "yeah.." and he was looking at me a lot when we were taking this test. we talk a lot and stuff.... do you think he likes me?? what should I do?

Hows my writing? Honest opinion please?

It's OK you've got some good dialogue, but you could really do with describing the scene a bit more :)

URGENT! Still looking for answers about my pregnant mare!?

Call your vet. Anything you get on here from some random person will not help you. This is a very serious issue.

What are some sorority traditions for pledges?

I know sororities do Big Sis/Lil Sis but could you elaborate more about what the Big Sis and Lil Sis do or any other traditions for pledges such as a kidnap night? Thanks.

Is there something wrong with me?

i'm a 23 year old female who has never been in a relationship before. i went on dates and had a guy i was seeing in a no strings attached thing for 2 years. it's just the guys i like never want me and the ones that do like me , i have 0 interest in. i am told all the time that i am attractive and i'm a really nice person. i kind of just gave up on the whole relationship thing now cause if it hasn't happened by now, i feel like i will be alone forever. i'm fine being single because i have no idea what it's like to be in a relationship.i do have low self esteem though and low self confidence. i'm pretty independent too. is there anything wrong with me if i am single for a few more years? will people judge me? it seems like all my friends have boyfriends and are starting to get engaged.

Psychologist Confusion?

you dont need a psychologist you both need a marriage counselor. The taking sides. Get him out of there quick. And the both of you see counselor. They are very nice and can see problems that the both of you cannot. Just be up front and tell him all your problems and worries .and he will find you a solution!

Problem with an older guy?

So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely, he treats me great and is super sweet. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??

Simple question. Do you think NBC purposely edited the Pledge of Allegiance? Story inside->?

yes they did it on purpose because of the separation of church and state thing - our government trying to eliminate religion from our country - it is a sad way of life these days - the anit-religious people trying to take over, trying to make a unified religion - one that has nothing to do with God. Get used to it people - this is the way our country is going. God will be a forgotten character and the next generation of kids won't even know who he is.

What household cleaner can I use to clean my guitar?

I wouldn't use any houseold cleaners, for the simple reason, they have chemicals, though they may clean and polish, they also take away the original finish. Best bet, call around to a few music shops that sell instraments, or research on the internet. If you have too, use a damp cloth with just water, and wipe with a sheep cloth or shammy. Now, if you don't care and doesn't matter, use lemon juice mixed with some water..

What do you think of NBC editing the Pledge of Allegiance?

I don't think the NBC guys heading the US Open have any political ideologies influencing them. They were probably getting a bunch of angry emails from athiest groups telling them to edit it out and they did it in fear of upsetting them.

Is it possible for me to reach this track and field goal?

Wow, well, um, okay. I'm a runner and let me tell you, going down on your times isn't the easiest thing in the world. It takes dedication. I would say start running up hills, and training 6 days a week. You would probably get it down to the 7minute-6minute range.